See my brainscanner results
Now where was I? Ah: I've covered the 'random' part, now for the 'ramblings'.
I must admit, some of these mashups are fun for a bit of good ol' time wasting. My favorite was the R2D2 translator, but I couldn't get it to post on my blog. Nothing like R2 bleeping "All your base are belong to us." But I'll just have to leave it to everyone's imaginations.
I'm still not sure where these fit in with the whole idea of being useful in a library context. Though with R2, anything's possible. I guess it's good to be knowledgable that this kind of technology exists if patrons ask about it, but aside from fits and giggles, I don't really see a lot of use for personalized fortune cookie messages.
Then again, maybe the library could put together its own themed generators, thus creating an entirely new paradigm of time-wastage and taking over the world through individualized book titles and dewey decimal classifications.
Civilization may never be the same.
And now to leave you with something completely different:

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