Monday, February 18, 2008

LibraryThing: Animal, Vegitable, or Mineral

Here's the URL for my profile on LibraryThing.

I chose LibraryThing over Goodreads mainly because I already have a Goodreads account and was curious to see how the two sites differed. One of the main differences that I see is that LibraryThing charges users if they want to list more than a certain number of books on their account. Maybe I'm just cheap, but this idea doesn't appeal to me at all and doesn't really promote the Library feel. I do, however, like the fact that you can get recommendations based on what books are on your list.

I also like, in theory, the ability to find other users who like the same books as you do and start conversations. I love to discuss and critique novels, though normally I like to do so with people I'm already comfortable with. Starting conversations with random strangers is still not high on my list - which is probably why I've been so reticent about so many of the parts of this 2.0 project.

Still..if you really want to talk to people about something, books make better subjects than most, and these sites just might encourage people to read more.

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