Friday, March 21, 2008


This "activity" seemed less useful to me than many others on Web 2.0. Not because I dislike podcasting, but the activity itself didn't involve much of anything. Thankfully, I've already downloaded and listened to quite a few podcasts in the past - otherwise I probably still wouldn't really know what was going on with them.

While none of the library-related podcasts really caught my attention, I do think that 'casts are very useful and entertaining. For myself, I regularly listen to "The Signal" - a Firefly podcast - and two 'casts related to Dragon*Con. The first is just for fun, but the other two have also provided me with valuable information about going to such a large convention and how to make the most of my trip. While I enjoy a well put together website, there are many things that come across much better when listened to than when read. Music for instance, as well as interviews. Often, when reading an interview, the person loses much of their vivacity and uniqueness that are easily apparent in an audio or video podcast.

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